Luxury Avenue Milano
is an e-retail project aimed at matching the offerings of the luxury world
with the demands of private consumers. E-shop specializes in jewelry,
vintage and antique jewelry, designer jewelry, designer and vintage
watches, with the aim of proposing them to their ideal buyer, offering them
personalized advice according to their wishes.
Provided services:
Instagram Targeting
We provided our client with a comprehensive service package,
starting with the setup of their Instagram business account.
This included optimizing their profile, creating a visually appealing
visuals for advertising, and configuring the necessary settings to
enhance their online presence. In addition, we devised and executed
a targeted paid advertising strategy. Our advertising efforts aimed
to increase brand visibility, engage with the target audience, and
ultimately drive measurable results in terms of reach, engagement,
and conversions.

Instagram page design and content plan
We crafted a visually captivating and cohesive Instagram page
design that resonated with their brand’s identity. Simultaneously, we
developed a detailed content plan that outlined a strategic approach
to their social media content.